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2.5.3. Response

statussuccess " | " error
messageerror text , optionalstring

data array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
shift_opencurrent shift stateboolean
shift_idShift ID , optionalstring
cashamount of cash on hand in kopecksinteger

shift_totals Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
firstDocNumbernumber of the first document in the shiftinteger
lastDocNumbernumber of the last document in the shiftinteger
paymentspayment types detailsarray

startShift Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
openTimeshift opening time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SSstring
cashthe amount of cash on hand at the time of opening the shift in kopecksinteger
openOrdersCntnumber of open accounts when opening a shiftinteger

endShift Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
closeTimeshift closing time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SSstring
Cashthe amount of cash on hand at the time of closing the shift in kopecksinteger
operaCountnumber of operations per shiftinteger
openOrdersCntnumber of open accounts when closing a shiftinteger

totals Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

sale Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecks

withdraw Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecks

taxes Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
salefrom salearray

sale Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

A Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
taxCodetax codestring
taxValtax percentage * 100integer
taxNametax namestring
amountamount of turnover in kopecksinteger
taxAmountamount of tax in kopecksinteger

payments Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?

sale Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
Cin casharray

C Array​

ParameterDescriptiontypeIs it Mandatory to complete the field?
amountamount in kopecksinteger
changechange amount in kopecksinteger


"status": "success" | "error",
"message": "string, error text, optional",
"data": {
"shift_open": "boolean, current shift state",
"shift_id": "integer, shift ID",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register in kopecks",
"shift_totals": {
"startShift": {
"openTime": "string, shift opening time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register at the start of the shift in kopecks",
"openOrdersCnt": "integer, number of open orders at the start of the shift"
"endShift": {
"closeTime": "string, shift closing time, format yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS",
"cash": "integer, amount of cash in the cash register at the end of the shift in kopecks",
"operCount": "integer, number of operations during the shift",
"openOrdersCnt": "integer, number of open orders at the end of the shift"
"firstDocNumber": "integer, number of the first document in the shift",
"lastDocNumber": "integer, number of the last document in the shift",
"totals": {
"sale": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks"
"withdraw": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks"
"taxes": {
"sale": {
"A": {
"taxCode": "string, tax code",
"taxVal": "integer, tax rate * 100",
"taxName": "string, tax name",
"amount": "integer, turnover amount in kopecks",
"taxAmount": "integer, tax amount in kopecks"
"payments": {
"sale": {
"C": {
"count": "integer, quantity",
"amount": "integer, amount in kopecks",
"change": "integer, change amount in kopecks"